Cerebral Palsy Guide provides free educational materials, financial resources, and support options for families affected by this condition and other birth injuries. Read more…
We train church leaders to develop a foster care, adoption, and support ministry. Our team would love to connect with you about what your next step could be in helping hurting kids find healing homes. Read more…
We help churches help at-risk youth in their community, For youth, there is a mentoring program, for aged-out foster youth there is a group home. Read more…
MOPS is a safe haven for moms who are parenting kids in foster care. It gives mothers a place to discuss what it’s like parenting kids in the foster system while building meaningful relationships with each other. Read more…
Facilitates care of orphans and foster children through support of church affiliates. Special initiatives focus on expanding participation of foster care the African American church and caring for those aging out of the foster care system. Read more…