A YSB program is designed to meet the needs of youth and families in Monroe County and its surrounding communities, a goal which requires a wide variety of programs and services. To fulfill this goal, YSB has developed a program based on three major components: nBinkley House Emergency Youth Shelter ServicesnThe Binkley House Youth Shelter is the largest division of YSB, and provides short-term residential care and crisis intervention for youth ages 10-17. The shelter provides emergency shelter for runaways, homeless youth, and youth in crisis or abusive situations at home.nAccessible 24 hours a day, Binkley House provides services such as counseling, education, supervised recreation, transportation to and from school and other appointments, and referrals to a variety of agencies for related services. YSB also assists with transitional services during a youth’s stay at the Binkley House Youth Shelter. These include independent living, transition to long-term residential care, transition from long-term residential care back home, and long-term aftercare counseling. The youth shelter also serves as a respite resource for youth placed in foster homes to minimize foster care repeat placements. The Youth Services Bureau of Monroe County does not charge a fee for the services provided for Safe Place or parental admissions. nHomebased CounselingnYSB provides intensive home-based counseling at no cost to families at risk of abuse or neglect, or youth at risk of running away. Whenever feasible, maintaining the family unit as a functional entity is our goal. Family preservation is always the preferred outcome.n
- IN
- Any kids
- Kids with background of abuse
- Counseling
- Services
- Group homes
- Cash
- In-kind