Resource Category: Kids
Who would benefit from the services of this organization?: Kids
Physical Address: 546 E 17th Street Suite 206 Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone Number: 317-917-8940
Description of activities:
Foster Success’s mission is to hear, support, and empower teens and young adults transitioning out of foster care on their journey to self-sufficiency. Programs include Education and Training Voucher, Dorm Funding, College Student Support, The Catalyst Summer Bridge (6 weeks to explore college life), and Pathways (helping sophomores, juniors and seniors plan for opportunities beyond high school), Financial Empowerment, Health & Wellbeing, Workforce Readiness,
Where do they operate?:
- IN
If Kids, please specify:
- Foster kids
What types of services do they offer?:
- Training
- Support Groups
- Scholarships
Are there any qualifications? (Eg., age, gender, disability?): Organization serves teens and young adults
Does the organization need volunteers?: Yes
Does the organization solicit donations?:
- Cash