Our purpose is to help prevent a waiting child from not having a permanent home by providing a family with financial assistance to support their adoption. Read more…
Free counseling for current and former foster youth. By matching youth with experienced therapists, we address the trauma and disruption inherent to foster care, help youth manage stress and anxiety, and develop the inner tools they need to become healthy adults. Read more…
Children who are medically fragile come to A Rosie Place for up to 10 nights at a time for respite stays. During this time, parents are given the gift of time to go on a date night, experience fun activities with their healthy children or enjoy much needed rest. We also host special events throughout the year, families (parents, fragile Read more…
A World For Children is now represented across the State, with 14 offices, including an office in San Antonio and Victoria. They provide adoption and foster care services. Read more…
Provides a range of programs for individuals with disabilities, including group homes, skill training, employment supports, and day programs. Read more…